Monday, April 24, 2006

Meme around the world

The lovely Bea from La Tartine Gourmande tagged me for a Meme around the World several weeks ago. What a great way to learn about all those food blogs that are out there!

Please list 3 recipes you have recently bookmarked from foodblogs to try:

Molten chocolate cake from La Tartine Gourmande -- I once had this incredible chocolate cake in a little bistro in Beaune, Burgundy that had a liquid black currant center. Since I am not much of a cake baker, I never tried to reproduce it, but Bea's wonderful recipe inspired me to try.

Baccala on crostini of fried polenta from Lucullian Delights -- I am always looking for new ways to use baccala since I like it much more than regular cod. Shh, don't tell anyone, but I find regular cod to be kind of boring. But baccala (salted cod) is an entirely different story. It might be stincky, but it's oh so good.

Roquefort and Leek Quiche from Sweet Napa -- now that I've discovered that my husband will eat quiche (as long as it's the proper quiche with lots and lots of heavy cream, and not an omelette baked in a crust), I have been looking for a really great quiche recipe to try. This one looks like the queen of all quiches.

A foodblog in your vicinity

I just discovered Mini-me's wonderful blog about eating out in Boston, called Boston Chomps. She is one of my fellow Chowhounds and this girl knows how to eat out!

A foodblog located far from you

KUIDAORE in Singapore. J's photography is amazing and I just love how she'll stop at nothing and take no shortcuts when it comes to great food. You should see her recent post about foie gras!

A foodblog (or several) you have discovered recently (where did you find it?)

Nordljus and Station Gourmande. I found both by following links from other blogs. Nordljus is a feast for the eyes. And I need to brush up on my french so that I can read Station Gourmande's recipes -- they look spectacular.

Any people or bloggers you want to tag with this meme?
But of course!
Kalyn from Kalyn's Kitchen, Ilva from Lucullian Delights, Nina from Sweet Napa, mzn from Haverchuk, and Alanna from Veggie venture


  1. Helen, thanks for thinking of me, but I already did Food Bloggers Around The World a few weeks ago. Fun reading your answers though.

  2. *waves* hi helen, haven't read your blog in a while..and wow there are so many posts to catch up on!
