Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Software for Food Program

Are you wondering what those recent posts with recipe titles and thumbnails are doing here? Well, the blogging software I am using only allows me to organize posts chronologically. Once my recipes are couple of weeks old, they scroll off the face of the blog into the neverland of archives. The idea of looking up recipes by month somehow does not sound very appealing to me. Of course, there is plenty of blogging software out there that supports categories, but I kind of like Blogger and since Google bought them, I have faith that one day they'll see the light and let us have categories. So, dear Blogger developers, if you implement the "categories" feature, food bloggers will be eternally grateful. Maybe we can arrange some sort of software for food exchange. For each helpful feature you implement, you'll get a free basket of baked goodies :)


  1. You could try Wordpress - we've been very happy with it, and it's extremely easy to learn. Not sure if you'd be able to use it with blogspot, but who knows =)

  2. I tried installing moveable type, which was not the best experience shall we say, and I did a Typepad trial. I haven't looked into Wordpress yet. Thanks for letting me know.

  3. If I didn't do web stuff for a living, I wouldn't have stuck through several Movable type issues, although it's a serious workhorse for blogging.

    I like Wordpress and use it in other places, and eventually will totally move over to it, for it's speed and openess (it's free and lots of people are working on features for it). You can't use it with blogspot, but throwing a real domain up (or in connection with your other one) isn't a big investment.

  4. I've found a way to do extensive indexing on Blogger, it's not perfect but I can give you tips if you like what you see.

  5. That said, if you're serious about blogging, I do think you'd be happier getting off Blogger sooner than later. I wish I'd done it months ago, now the tasks sees overwhelming.

  6. I also have a recipe indexing system on blogger, similar to what Alanna has. It involves creating another "storage" blog on blogger and then manually entering each recipe link in the section where you want it to go. I do it once a week, takes about 15 minutes to do a whole week of recipes. It's not perfect, but people who read my blog have given it rave reviews.

    I'm torn about moving away from blogger also, but I do kind of have faith in them too.
